Recent Posts
Saluting Nurses: Agents for Change and Compassion
UKG is proud to celebrate Nursing Month this May by sharing the personal stories of two dedicated professionals who are true agents of change while bringing patients care, comfort, and healing.
Nurses: In Community With One Another, We Can Move Mountains
During the final week of Nurses Month, we discuss the importance of Community Engagement. In particular, we recognize how community engagement is a powerful vehicle for change, as well as how we can play a more meaningful role in shaping the various outcomes that affect us and our communities.
Nurses: Keep Learning & Advancing Your Practice
During the third week of Nurses Month, we explore the theme of Professional Development. Within this blog, we explore the criticality of professional development and investment in learning & advancement.
Nurses: We Recognize & Appreciate You
It’s the second week of Nurses Month and the theme of the week is Recognition. Within this blog, we explore what recognition is, what this form of gratitude conveys to nurses, and how to properly recognize and appreciate others.
Nurses: You Truly Make a Difference
It’s here: Nurses Month, a month-long celebration of nursing! Each week throughout May 2022 we’ll delve into a specific theme exploring how nurses make a difference. Week 1 is all about self-care and the ways in which we can invest in our own wellbeing while caring for the health and wellness of others.