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UKG Classified as “Exemplary” in the 2023 Ventana Research Buyers Guide for Domestic Payroll

Read the newest Ventana Research Domestic Payroll Buyers Guide to see why UKG has been classified as “Exemplary,” with payroll solutions created to deliver better outcomes for the people they were designed for.

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Ventana Research Buyers Guide 2023: Domestic Payroll

An objective view of domestic payroll software vendors and products from a leading analyst group

Payroll has long been considered an inefficient, labor-intensive process. Yet advances in digital technology have allowed payroll functions to be considerably more efficient through automation and data-driven decision support, contributing to a better employee experience.

Ventana Research, an authoritative and respected benchmark business technology research and advisory services firm, has taken care of the hard part and found through in-depth analysis that UKG excels in the domestic payroll arena after evaluating numerous vendors.

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UKG ranks high in product experience, including usability, capability, reliability, adaptability, and manageability.

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UKG scores high marks for our domestic payroll solutions’ ability to support a range of roles and functions for integration into processes and systems.



UKG is a leader in meeting customers’ domestic payroll technology needs and adding value to the vendor-customer relationship.

UKG is committed to ensuring that people are at the center of all operations, designing our payroll solutions to meet the needs of the employees who use them while enhancing their experiences. From our increased investment in innovation to smart acquisitions such as Immedis, UKG continues to be a leader in the payroll systems market.

The Ventana Research Buyers Guide 2023: Domestic Payroll explores the primary reasons that UKG® payroll solutions have been so successful.