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UKG TeleTime IP Datasheet

For a remote or distributed workforce without access to a timekeeping device, UKG TeleTime IP™ captures time and attendance data.

Discover how employees working remotely or at multiple facilities can use a landline or mobile phone to perform all the time and attendance tasks they would typically complete at a data collection device. And supervisors also can use UKG TeleTime IP to edit and approve employee timecards and send messages to employees.

UKG TeleTime IP Datasheet

This versatile tool helps improve workforce productivity and makes administrative tasks easier to perform:

  • Workers can enter punches, see their schedules, complete job transfers, enter meal deductions, and have 24-hour self-service access to their information
  • Supervisors can complete daily and urgent tasks from anywhere with phone access
  • Easily configurable, UKG TeleTime IP provides maximum flexibility and easy administration
  • Designed for fast, efficient phone calls, the solution get employees working quickly
  • Multiple language support ensures you can communicate in your users’ languages

Download this informative piece to learn more about how UKG TeleTime IP simplifies workforce data collection from any phone.