Close the Gap Infographic

UKG Wage Gap Infographic


What’s the Message We’re Sending About a Woman’s Worth?

Learn what UKG is doing to help close the wage gap.

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18¢ Pay Gap Creates Chasm in American Dream for Women1

Women in the U.S. are paid just 82¢ for every dollar paid to men. And that gap is even greater for women of color. That 18¢ gap might not sound like a lot, but yearly it creates a $10,157 pay chasm that dramatically impacts a woman’s quality of life.

Median Annual Full-Time Pay

Women $47,299 Men $57,456 Yearly Gap $10,157

What the 18¢ Pay Gap Means for Women

Housing 8 months of mortgage payments2

Transportation 18 months of car payments3

Healthcare 88% of yearly healthcare costs4

Food 92% of yearly food costs for family of 45

Childcare 100% of yearly childcare costs6

Education $329,499 missed college savings7

Retirement $1,211,918 missed savings8

The Wage Gap Widens for Women of Color9

Black: 37¢

Native American: 40¢

Latina: 45¢

Asian American/Pacific Islander: 48¢

What’s the Message We’re Sending About a Woman’s Worth?

Learn what UKG is doing to help close the wage gap.


1 Income and Poverty in the United States: 2019, (September 15, 2020), Report Number P60-270, United States Census Bureau, found at
2 AJ Dellinger, What is the Average Monthly Mortgage Payment?, Bankrate, (May 25, 2021), found at %20mortgage%20payment%20for%20a%20homeowner%20in%20the,
Census%20Bureau's%20American%20 Housing%20Survey. Calculations based on $1,275 average monthly payment on 30-year mortgage.
3 Stefan Lembo Stolba, U.S. Auto Debt Grows to Record High Despite Pandemic, Experian, (April 12, 2021), found at Calculation based on $563 average per month payment.
4 National Health Expenditure Data, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, (accessed September 8, 2021), found at NationalHealthExpendData/NationalHealthAccountsHistorical. Based on $11,582 average yearly cost per person.
5 Official USDA Food Plans: Cost of Food at Home at Three Levels, U.S. Average, June 2021, U.S. Department of Agriculture, (accessed September 8, 2021), found at CostofFoodJun2021LowModLib.pdf. Estimate based on low-cost plan.
6 Megan Leonhardt, Closing the Gap: Parents Spend An Average of $8,355 Per Child to Secure Year-Round Child Care, CNBC Make It, (May 19, 2021), found at,
opportunities %20and%20impact%20household%20budgets.
7 Maurie Backman, Most Parents Are Saving for College This Way — and They’re Doing It Wrong, The Motley Fool, (March 2, 2018), found at Calculation based on $846.41 per month savings over 18 years at 6% APR.
8 Retirement Topics — 401(k) and Profit-Sharing Plan Contribution Limits, IRS, (accessed September 8, 2021), found at Calculation based on $846.41 per month savings over 35 years at 6% APR. Max 401(k) annual contribution limit $19,500 in 2021.
9 America’s Women and the Wage Gap, National Partnership for Women & Families, (March 2021), found at