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Providing Flexibility When Presence Is Required

“Providing Flexibility When Presence Is Required” is a chapter from Being Present, written by Neil E. Reichenberg and published by The Workforce Institute.

Technology has changed the way work is performed, reducing the need for physical presence at work for a wide range of jobs. Employers are focusing on how to improve the employee experience and to make themselves employers of choice. Traditional employment relationships have changed with the increased use of independent contractors and outsourcing. With increasing numbers of people wanting to maintain a positive work-life balance, flexible working arrangements are a potentially key contributing factor.

Providing Flexibility When Presence Is Required

This excerpt makes a business case for flexible working arrangements and adaptive schedules; discusses how to provide flexibility for employees with jobs where a physical presence is required; and how to engage and motivate employees in high-stress positions that require a physical presence.

The chapter reveals:

  • 84% of working parents said work flexibility is the number one most important factor in a job
  • 54% of employees said that managing work-life balance would help them thrive
  • Telecommuting in the U.S. grew by 140% during the past 10 years
  • 86% of employees value flexible schedules, while only 50% of organizations offer them
  • 70% of employees value telecommuting, while only 27% of organizations offer it

Download this excerpt today to learn more about how managers must be trained to manage remote workers in order to ensure high levels of performance and accountability.