Have you ever wondered if there’s a place to submit your thoughts regarding potential changes and enhancements to your UKG solution? Well, you’re in luck, because the Ideas page in UKG Kronos Community is a place where you can do just that. Right now, our shared partnership is more important than ever. Together we can work on changes that will make your lives easier.

If you have a Community account and are logged in, you’ll have access to this page. It’s super easy to navigate to as well. Simply log in to your Community account and click the tab that says Ideas under the search bar, and you’re there.

Now, I know what you may be thinking — what exactly is this page and is anyone paying attention to my ideas? The short answer is yes! This page is dedicated to making your voices heard. You can submit any product enhancement suggestions that are on your mind. Those suggestions could then potentially make it on to the product’s future roadmaps.
The process of submitting your suggestions is simple. But before you submit a suggestion, you’ll want to search and see if it’s already been posted. There are more than 16,000 customer suggestions on the Ideas page. There is a good chance someone could have the same suggestion as you do. If someone has submitted the idea, make sure to vote on it! Voting is how ideas gain traction and eventually make their way to the product managers. However, ideas must receive a certain number of votes to get in front of our product managers — and that number varies per solution. To find out how many votes your idea would need for product managers to review it, please click here. If your idea hasn’t been posted yet, submit it. And make sure to share what you’ve posted with your colleagues. If they think it’s something they’d like to see, encourage them to vote on it.
Don’t forget to browse through other submitted ideas and vote on things you’d be interested in seeing in your UKG solution. Not only can you browse by solution, but you can also browse by specific products! Say you want to see ideas submitted for UKG Dimensions Scheduler or UKG Ready Payroll. Use the category button on the left side of the page to filter the ideas and see those specific results.
We greatly value your opinion and your voice here at UKG, and we strive to make our product solutions the best they can possibly be. So, we want to hear from you! Check out the Ideas page today to start voting and submitting.