It’s almost that time of year again. As we head into the summer months, more and more organizations begin to hire seasonal staff. Whether it’s hiring a lifeguard or welcoming back college students for the summer, seasonal hiring can be an immense undertaking. In fact, your administrators may have to spend days manually entering information for each new employee.
But did you know that you can leverage your UKG Ready™ solution to alleviate some of the workload that comes with seasonal hiring? That’s right. There is an easier way to conduct seasonal hiring than by losing your administrators to days of data and paperwork.
The trick? Using imports. Now, I know imports can seem scary and daunting at times. Between the various headers and the enormous Excel tab, it’s easy to be intimidated. However, once you understand exactly what data needs to be included, imports aren’t so scary after all.
Below are three different scenarios outlining how organizations can take advantage of imports and what data they need to provide during the seasonal hiring process.

The Day Laborer
Most common in agriculture, a day laborer might only work weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Organizations might need one-week workers who will show up on Monday and leave on Friday. These employees don’t need a robust employee profile within the UKG Ready solution. In fact, minimal information is required, since the employment period can be as short as five days. And the information entered for each employee more than likely will not be audited or the user verified via a new-hire checklist because these employees will never log into the UKG Ready solution. This means your import template can be as minimal as your organization’s system configuration will allow. Enter the name and the Social Security number, and then you’re ready to go. Upload the import file to the system, and you’re done.
The Mass Hiring Event
Picture this. Your organization is opening a brand-new location and needs to hire for numerous open positions — fast. These employees will be hired with the intention of being full-time employees who have benefits. You’ll need more employee information for the import than in the scenario above, but you can balance this with the use of the new-hire checklist. What that means is your admins can focus on getting the employees’ names and Social Security numbers entered into the import and uploaded; then the employee can go in and fill out the rest of the information through the new-employee checklist. You can use the new-employee checklist to have new hires enter their emergency contact, complete their I-9s, and even select benefits.
True Seasonal Hiring
Our final scenario is the true seasonal hiring example. Your organizations might be reopening their resort or pools now that the weather is getting warmer, and there’s a good chance you’ll have a mix of rehires and new hires. This is the most complex situation, since rehires can’t be imported like new hires and need to be identified. In this situation your administrators will have to manually activate rehires. However, like in the scenario above, your organization can leverage both the new-hire and the rehire checklists. For new hires, it works the same as above; enter basic information in the import and have the employees fill in the rest of their information through the new-hire checklist. Rehires will follow the same path using the rehire checklist, except instead of admins uploading their information via an import, the information will have to be pulled manually.
It’s important to note that these three scenarios are not the be-all and end-all. They are simply best-practice ideas. You should use the import template that works best for your organization, and feel free to customize it! Each template can be customized to suit your organization’s needs. Simply start with the template that is closest to your example and add/remove data columns you don’t require. It’s that easy. Download the templates today!