Welcome back to our second edition of the UKG Pro® Report Rundown. The goal of this series is to inform and share resources about the robust reporting capabilities built into your UKG Pro solution. If you’re joining us for the first time, we invite you to hop over to our inaugural UKG Pro Report Rundown, which showcases four of our most popular payroll reports.
Here’s the Rundown
In this issue, we’re focused on the fast approaching, most critical time of year: year-end. We’re spotlighting helpful year-end UKG Pro standard reports to help you manage this busy time. Let’s get started!
Company Tax Verification Report
Accurate data is key to a successful year-end and the Company Tax Verification report can help you verify your information is correct. You can use it to verify important company and tax code information used in your tax reporting, such as company tax setup information, company tax codes, tax ID numbers for all tax codes, and contribution rates for state unemployment insurance (SUI) and state disability insurance (SDI) tax codes for the reporting period. The report is flexible and can be generated by date range or calendar period, such as last quarter, current quarter, year to date, etc. Read our Company Tax Reports job aid for more information.
Invalid Social Security Number Report
You’re juggling a lot this time of year, and it’s helpful when you can catch errors as early as possible. The Invalid Social Security Number report is the detective you need to identify employees whose social security numbers are invalid, giving you time to make a correction and avoid those dreaded Forms W-2c. And here’s a pro tip: if you sort this report by employee name, an employee may be reflected more than once on the report. To avoid having an employee appear multiple times, group this report by company instead.
W-2 Negative Wage Report
Negative wages are one of the biggest pitfalls to a smooth year-end process. These can prevent your company Forms W-2 from printing and filing successfully at the end of the year. So it’s best to do everything you can to avoid them, and this report can help. By identifying the employees with negative year-to-date wage amounts, this report allows you to research and correct the information before printing Forms W-2 or creating electronic files. Once you finish making corrections, you can check your work by rerunning the report to confirm that the negative wages have been resolved.
W-2 Detail And W-2 Summary Reports
Validating and verifying are two things you’ll be doing a lot of during the year-end process. These reports are good to have ready, as they can be used to verify that your employee-level Form W-2 details are complete and assist you with balancing yearly Form W-2 information.
That’s a wrap on this edition of the UKG Pro Report Rundown! If you have questions about an existing report or want to know if a certain one exists, visit the UKG Community™ discussion groups where there are thousands of Pro users collaborating and sharing reporting tips and tricks. And, be sure to visit and bookmark the Year-End Resources page for more helpful end-of-year information.
See you again soon for the next UKG Pro Report Rundown.