Are you preparing to go through Open Enrollment this fall? With everything going on, open enrollment can be a stressful time. That’s why we’ve put together this list of five resources we have to help guide you through the process! Check it out below.
1. Virtual Events
This year we have an entire session at UGK Works dedicated to help you with the open enrollment process.:
- UKG Works Open Enrollment Session: Our UKG Works Open Enrollment session reviews impactful product enhancements that you can use to help make benefits enrollment and overall administration easier this year. Register for UKG Works today!
2. User Guide — Evaluating Your Benefits in 2020
This user guide breaks down the Society for Human Resource Management’s top six benefits trends of 2020 while explaining how each trend applies to what’s happening in our new normal. The guide also teaches you how to properly leverage your Workforce Ready solution to keep up with each trend! Interested? Click here to download.
3. Reporting
Keep a pulse on the progress of your employees throughout open enrollment season with our Open Enrollment Status Report. By running this report, you can see which employees have completed the process, which employees have started but not finished the process, and which employees have yet to begin the process.
4. readyConnect
The readyConnect panel was introduced in our September release and curates content specific to how your organization uses Workforce Ready. So, when going through Open Enrollment, you’ll find links to a plethora of tools and resources relating to Open Enrollment. For example, there may be links to self-guided training in My Learning to complete or bite-size five-minute videos to watch.
One quick tip on the panel:
If you aren’t seeing the panel, you’ll want to make sure you have the Benefits Manager role assigned to your security profile. Simply go to Company Settings>Profiles/Policies>Roles and select the Benefits Manager role.
5. My Learning
My Learning is a great tool to utilize during your organization’s Open Enrollment period. As mentioned above, links to My Learning training that focus on Open Enrollment may be available through readyConnect, but there is one My Learning session you don’t want to miss — the HR Q&A session! Sessions happen once a month throughout the year with HR subject matter experts. There’s no set agenda for these sessions, so come with your questions ready. These Q&A sessions are a great way to get your questions answered fast with people who know what it’s like to be in your shoes. To access My Learning: Log in to Workforce Ready and navigate to My Info>Help>My Learning.
And that’s it —our list of the top five Workforce Ready open enrollment resources. Remember, when it comes to the technical side of open enrollment, you can always utilize Kronos Global Support (KGS). KGS has a dedicated support staff member who has in-depth knowledge of the open enrollment process in order to help solve your technical issues as efficiently as possible. Also make sure to check out our Benefits Glossary of Terms, which gives you definitions and common acronyms relating to open enrollment. Make sure you’re signed in to the Community to view!
Special thanks to Ken Bender, customer success manager, for laying the foundation of the content provided above.