As a Payment Services customer, you know how vital it is to stay up to date on your payroll tax filing data. That’s why we’re here to give you all the details on our newly released feature now available in your UKG Pro® solution.
To provide you additional visibility into your tax exceptions data, a new Tax Liabilities panel is easily accessible in the Payment Services Gateway. Thanks to this new feature, the At a Glance: Tax Liabilities panel on the Payment Services - Tax Filing page displays summaries for Total Tax Liabilities, including Tax Liability Exceptions, Total Collected, and Total Payments to ensure you always have the latest information at your fingertips.
In addition, on the Liability Details page not only do you have access to view the total tax liability for a selected legal entity, but for each pay group you can view the total payment amounts sent and any pending payments to tax collection agencies. And if that’s not enough, in the new Liability Details page, you’ll be able to review the details of each liability amount for each tax code in that pay group.
Even with this feature, you’ll continue to receive your tax code fallouts on your periodic PTS Exception cases within the UKG® Ultimate Community.
We do recommend that before you head to the Payment Services Gateway to try out this new feature yourself, you ensure role administration for the Gateway is activated under Menu > System Configuration > Security > Role Administration. Check out our Role Administration Guide for more details on configuring web access rights.
For full details on this new enhancement be sure to read the Review Payroll Tax Filing Data in the Payment Services Gateway job aid in the Learning Center.