Scheduling automation is key to effectively managing the public safety workforce.
Manual scheduling of public safety staff can create compliance issues, overtime disparity, and a slow emergency response. Learn 9 tips for switching to automated staffing and about the benefits two public safety agencies are seeing after upgrading to automated staffing.
In case studies, Fairfax County Fire & Rescue and Las Vegas Detention Center outline the improvements their public safety agencies have realized with an automated staffing solution, including greater scheduling efficiency, more transparency, faster deployment, and improved compliance.
Some of the 9 tips outlined that enable a smooth transition from manual staffing to an automated staffing solution include:
Download this informative piece to learn more about how moving from manual staffing to an automated staffing system delivers significant benefits to public safety agencies.
“If we’ve got some kind of emergency — let’s say an inmate won’t come out of a room, or is being aggressive and violent — we don’t want to send regular officers to deal with this. So we activate the Special Emergency Response Team, or SERT. …I need the SERT team and ― boom ― the (automated system) will call everybody. It saves a lot of time.”
Sgt. Rodolfo Padilla
Las Vegas Detention Center
Interested in learning more? Explore Our Public Safety Scheduling Software