In this installment of the UKG Marquee Speaker Series, hosted by the HCM Online Academy, we’re bringing you an exclusive discussion with author Jody Thompson. Her book, Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It: The Results-Only Revolution demonstrates how making the cultural shift to a results-only workplace can make employees happier while delivering higher productivity at the same time.
Jody is the Founding Principal of CultureRx®, working with leading organizations to bring them to a state of high performance. For the past 15 years, she has been facilitating change management and training across multiple industries to drive increases in productivity, employee engagement, client satisfaction, and talent acquisition. Her work has been featured in BusinessWeek, HR Executive Magazine, The New York Times, and more.
Just fill out the brief form to watch this on-demand replay of our exclusive discussion with Jody and a Q&A with questions provided by our own HCM Online Academy members.