In this installment of the UKG Marquee Speaker Series, hosted by the HCM Online Academy, we’re bringing you an exclusive discussion with author Dan Price. His book Worth It: How a Million-Dollar Pay Cut and a $70,000 Minimum Wage Revealed a Better Way of Doing Business provides unprecedented insights about the value of putting employees first and rethinking the purpose of business.
In 2015, Dan Price, founder and CEO of Gravity Payments, took a huge cut to his own paycheck in order to provide every single employee at his organization with a salary of at least $70,000. This decision was considered controversial in some business circles, but the company and Price himself have demonstrated compelling reasons — including boosted resilience and competition — to consider reorienting to a more purpose-driven vision.
Just fill out the brief form to watch this on-demand replay of our exclusive discussion with Dan and a Q&A with questions provided by our own HCM Online Academy members.