Discover why payroll is a valuable target for change — helping employees feel more supported and engaged by offering crucial tools for financial wellbeing.
Discover why payroll is a valuable target for change — helping employees feel more supported and engaged by offering crucial tools for financial wellbeing.
On the surface, payroll does not look like one of the areas of the business that needs major changes. You have your processes and routines down, you know how to mitigate risk, and you pay your employees every payroll. But the reality is, much has changed over the last several years when it comes to the role payroll plays in an organization. In fact, today’s payroll professionals are expected to help their employees feel more supported, engaged, motivated, and financially confident at work and at home through a more people-centric payroll approach. Join Teresa Smith, Director of Human Insights and HCM Strategic Advisory as she discusses how top performing payroll professionals are playing a key role in supporting the financial wellbeing of their people beyond the traditional payroll cycle.
Discover an easy-to-apply framework to support financial wellness in your organization.
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Enjoy this webinar replay from the December 2022 HR & Payroll eSymposium. Note: This webinar replay is not pre-approved for recertification credits; please self-submit where applicable to request credit approval.