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Banking Interaction Strategy: Engagement and Connecting with Customers

Discover in this BAI podcast how to rebuild connections with customers post pandemic.

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As banks and credit unions emerge from the pandemic, economic activity will present new challenges. Learn in this BAI podcast Banking Interaction Strategy: Engagement and Connecting with Customers how to reestablish customer relationships and rebuild customer loyalty.

The pandemic closed bank and credit union branches and created unique challenges in providing customer service. Financial service providers now need to focus on their efforts on retaining customers.

Terry Badger, managing editor at BAI, and UKG Financial Services Industry Principals Matt Hertel and Kevin Streel discuss in this podcast how to strengthen customer relationships and improve employee productivity while expanding profits by:

  • Utilizing advanced appointment setting and lobby interaction technology
  • Developing better customer relationships through technology
  • Leveraging data and analytics to deepen connections with customers

Listen to this podcast replay to learn more about how you can create an interaction strategy to better engage and connect with your customers.