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2022 UKG Global Impact Report

Get the latest report to see our recent accomplishments, goals, and progress on important and impactful environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.

Team with heads together

We firmly believe in doing right by doing good — for our employees, our customers, and our communities. Our ESG efforts speak directly to the UKG ethos that our purpose is people™. We work to incorporate ESG criteria in our processes to make more informed, responsible, and socially conscious decisions. We know that transparency is critical to trust. That’s why, to help build toward a better future for all people, we’re pleased to share our 2022 ESG targets, the resulting outcomes, and our goals for 2023 in our latest global impact report.

This informative report is a comprehensive outline of our progress and how we plan to continue the journey towards a brighter, more positive, and socially responsible future.