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Product Info

UKG Ready Performance

With UKG Ready® Performance you’ll be able to elevate your organization’s performance and grow your teams with clear, measurable goals.

In this product profile, learn how you’ll be able to automate process, gain greater insights, and create an engaging employee experience with UKG Ready Performance.

UKG Ready Performance

While an organization may have a comprehensive performance strategy, paper-based reviews and manual processes can create inefficiencies that limit the effectiveness and impact of their strategy.

By leveraging UKG Ready Performance, you’ll streamline performance processes, increase employee engagement, and reduce the risk of missing or inconsistent performance documentation.

Learn how you’ll be able to:

  • Align your organization’s objectives with employee performance and development
  • Better engage your employees in performance and feedback processes
  • Increase fairness of reviews with comprehensive data and analytics
  • Support a pay-for-performance strategy by linking performance with compensation

Check out our product profile to understand how UKG Ready Performance gives you the right tools so you can create more meaningful and connected work experience for your people.