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UKG Pro Workforce Management Readiness Assessment Datasheet

Thinking of migrating to UKG Pro Workforce Management™ to streamline your workforce management process and enhance your employee experience? Learn how our UKG Readiness Assessment evaluates your readiness and prepares you for a successful deployment.

The UKG® Services team works with you to develop a roadmap and identify key areas for technical and business process improvements. The comprehensive review includes detailed recommendations and best practices that support an effective migration.

UKG Dimensions Readiness Assessment Datasheet

To ensure your migration to UKG Pro Workforce Management is smooth, the assessment process includes:

  • A review of products, interfaces, custom reports and tables, and authentication
  • An evaluation of strategies: integration, terminal, reporting, archive, and workstation needs
  • An examination of best practices, global policy settings, configurations, and change control

This informative piece describes the benefits of participating in a UKG Pro Workforce Management Readiness Assessment.