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The UKG Pro People Analytics Services Lookbook

Explore the benefits of partnering with UKG to build the reports and dashboards needed for insights that help you better understand and support your employees.

 A smiling businessman stands in front of a whiteboard during a meeting.

Having the right analytics is a proven way to help better understand and support your employees. However, many leaders don’t have the time or resources to build the detailed reports and dashboards required for optimum results.

By partnering with UKG, you’ll have access to comprehensive, people-focused analytics that can help you make stronger decisions to improve your workplace culture and business. Experts from UKG Pro® People Analytics Services will work as an extension of your team to ensure you are fully leveraging the capabilities of UKG Pro, and continuously addressing new business reporting without draining your internal resources.

UKG’s People Analytics Services are specially designed to help your organization – and your people -- in the following areas:

  • Talent Management
  • Pay Equity
  • Workforce Retention

This lookbook examines how businesses can benefit from partnering with UKG analytics experts to build the reports and dashboards needed to get deeper insights into your organization. With the right data, you can make better decisions regarding your people that can help make your workplace great.