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Product Info

UKG Appointments

Online appointment scheduling improves efficiency

UKG Appointments

In today’s fast-paced digital world, giving students the ability to schedule an appointment through their mobile devices or online is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Students are looking for the most efficient and convenient ways to interact with you. They want to avoid long wait times and be sure they can speak to the right resource with the right skill set to handle their situation.

With UKG Appointments for Higher Education:

  • Connect with students digitally by offering convenient virtual, phone, and in-person appointments
  • Send automated email and text confirmations and reminders
  • Create a checklist of items to bring to the appointment to ensure first visit resolution
  • Provide remote-learning students the ability to meet with faculty and staff using videoconferencing technologies

Download this data sheet to learn how UKG Appointments can ensure optimal service levels across your campus.