Workforce Institute

From Old-School Managers to People-Centric Leaders: Where Do YOU Stand?

The role of a manger is different than it has ever been before. Describing the past few years as a mere disruptor, catalyst, or accelerator almost seems like an understatement. 

In this eBook we dive into the characteristics of a people-centric leader, and what you can do to be a more modern manager in the always-evolving workplace.

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Co-workers High-Fiving each other

Describing the past few years as a mere disruptor, catalyst, or accelerator almost seems like an understatement. The collective experiences we've undergone as individuals and as a society have been emotionally taxing, pushing us beyond our limits and prompting a departure from our conditioned thinking and established routines.This period of upheaval led us to deeply evaluate our core values, the decisions we make, and what truly holds significance.