Nicole Hennessy
Director of Professional Services Consulting
Paying Employees in Multiple Countries: The Power of a Unified Payroll System
Following dozens of different laws and regulations regarding taxation and employment is complicated, and mistakes can be costly. Yet that is exactly the challenge faced by multinational businesses.It is also difficult to ensure equal and fair pay when employees are paid in different currencies and live in countries with different costs of living. Without accurate and real-time insights about payment patterns, companies are often unaware of unfair treatment that is hurting employee sentiment.
Empowering Employees with Self-Service Payroll
The trend towards on-demand self-service has spread practically everywhere, in large part thanks to the ubiquity of software and the internet. People expect to use apps, tools, online portals and automated systems for everything from paying taxes to ordering pizza.
Global Payroll Challenges: Why Payroll is Inherently Local
The phrase "Think Global, Act Local" is something of a cliche these days, but it conveys an important truth. The world has become so interconnected that events happening on a global scale increasingly affect local states of affairs. At the same time, the compound effects of decisions made at the local level give rise to the modern world as we know it.
Failsafe Your Global Payroll Implementation
To multinational organizations, global payroll transformation is a competitive necessity for driving business efficiency and keeping pace with regulatory changes around the world.