Laura Kriska is a cross-cultural consultant specializing in WE-building — a process that narrows US versus THEM gaps in the workplace to lower costs & complaints and to increase innovation, collaboration & revenue. Learn more in her new book, The Business of WE.

Laura Kriska
Cross-Cultural Consultant
3 Ideas to Improve Hybrid Work
Flexibility is key to employee engagement. But how do you bridge the remote work versus in-person gap?
Beyond Lunch: 4 Ways to Fast-Track Belonging for New Employees
Nearly 90% of employees believe that increased belonging results in higher productivity. So how do you help your people feel like they belong?
How to Keep Employees Connected in a Global and Hybrid World
The days of building relationships solely around the watercooler are long gone. Tap into three practical tools to keep employees engaged in a hybrid work environment.
3 Tactics to Engage New Hires and Foster Connection in the Workplace
Discover three creative community-building ideas to help foster connection and engagement with new employees.
3 (FREE) Ways to Fast-Track Connection for New Employees
Learn 3 no-cost strategies you can implement to fast-track connection for new hire employees.
3 Actions That Help Foster a Culture of Belonging
Whether you are a leader or a co-worker, it is possible to increase belonging without fear of causing harm. Here are three actions anyone can take.
3 Simple Tips to Transform Your Return to Office Plans into a Celebration of Togetherness
Employees aren't just returning to the office — they're reclaiming a sense of togetherness at work. Find out how you can celebrate this miraculous moment.