David Creelman is CEO of Creelman Research. He’s best known for his research on the latest issues in HR. He has worked with many think tanks, including Talent Tech Labs (New York), Works Institute (Tokyo), CRF (London), and, of course, The Workforce Institute at UKG. He’s collaborated with leading academics such as Henry Mintzberg (leadership development), Ed Lawler (“Built to Change”), and John Boudreau (future of work). His latest book is a way-out-of-the-box look at the state of management, titled Management for Scientists and Engineers: Why Managing is Still Hard and If It Will Get Better. Prior to founding his own company, David was Chief of Content and Research for HR.com. He has an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and a Combined Honours bachelor’s in chemistry and biochemistry from McMaster.

David Creelman
Author & HR Specialist
Will New Mathematics Revolutionize HR?
Advisory board member David Creelman says, "There are at least a couple of fundamental advances in mathematical theory that are likely to make their way from the blackboard to your office in the next five to ten years."
Plan Now for Long-Term AI Impacts
Advisory board member David Creelman breaks down ways to prepare for the inevitable AI boom which will take place over the next 5-10 years.
How ESG Programs Can Help the Unemployed
Economic disruptions of any kind create the risk of widescale and long-term unemployment, and you don’t need to believe in an AI-driven job apocalypse to see the social value of helping the unemployed.
What the U.S. Can Learn from Japan About Reporting on Human Capital
Today’s post comes to us from The Workforce Institute advisory board member David Creelman, CEO of Creelman Research, and guest contributor Kuniko Takahashi, who is co-founder of the BoardHR Initiative and leads the WICI Human Capital Working Group in Japan.
How Compensation Managers Should Approach Automation
Upcoming advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are exciting to read about. But what will automation mean for compensation managers?
Three Harmful Ideas About ChatGPT
Today’s post comes to us from The Workforce Institute advisory board member David Creelman, CEO of Creelman Research, and it features more of his thoughts on the impacts of artificial intelligence.
What the Latest Generation of AI Means for HR
HR leaders should take an interest in these AI tools because, in time, they will inevitably have an impact on HR and, more importantly, will have an impact on many tasks throughout the organization.
Using AI to Improve HR Management: Exploring the Possibilities and Risks of Large Language Models
This is a brief interview between The Workforce Institute advisory board member David Creelman, and large language model Lex, a new type of artificial intelligence (AI) tool.
Helping Managers Make Good Judgement Calls
There are several ways HR can help managers make good judgement calls on nuanced issues such as flex work, dress code, or how they distribute their bonus budgets. However, many of these approaches can easily backfire.