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David Creelman, HR function expert

David Creelman

Author & HR Specialist


David Creelman is CEO of Creelman Research. He’s best known for his research on the latest issues in HR. He has worked with many think tanks, including Talent Tech Labs (New York), Works Institute (Tokyo), CRF (London), and, of course, The Workforce Institute at UKG. He’s collaborated with leading academics such as Henry Mintzberg (leadership development), Ed Lawler (“Built to Change”), and John Boudreau (future of work). His latest book is a way-out-of-the-box look at the state of management, titled Management for Scientists and Engineers: Why Managing is Still Hard and If It Will Get Better. Prior to founding his own company, David was Chief of Content and Research for He has an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and a Combined Honours bachelor’s in chemistry and biochemistry from McMaster.