It’s been another busy month at the UKG Workforce Institute! If you missed any recent insights, research, or podcasts from us, here’s a look at our conversations from September 2023.
Transforming the Team: Week Two — The One and Only Team Dysfunction: Lack of Trust
Last month, we kicked off a five-week, culture-focused effort with Ankura called “Transforming the Team.” Guest contributor Mark Cappellino from the Ankura Talent Advisory team, along with UKG Workforce Institute advisory board member and Ankura colleague John Frehse, provide actionable strategies and weekly exercises to help leaders transform their cultures, starting at the individual and team levels.
Industry Insights: Why Women Should Consider Careers in Manufacturing
Kylene Zenk chats with Magda Dexter from Saint-Gobain North America. With the results of our manufacturing survey, Kylene and Magda discuss how manufacturing offers opportunities for women.
The People Purpose Podcast: Four-Day Workweek: Where Are We Now?
In this episode of our biweekly podcast, Chas Fields and Julie Develin discuss the pros and cons of a four-day work week and also where four-day workweek experiments have been successful.
Calling All Public-Sector Professionals — Join Us at the Industry Insights Digital Summit
Tasha Yohan, industry marketing manager for the public sector at UKG, provides a closer look at the UKG Industry Insights Digital Summit. If you missed the event on September 14, don’t worry! You can still catch the replay here.
Transforming the Team: Week Three — Why Talk Relationships at Work?
Mark and John return for the third installment of our five-part series. As the pair writes, “Trying to be uncompromisingly nice in our work relationships creates more friction. And sometimes it leads to disaster.” Read what you can do to prevent that impending disaster.
Transforming the Team: Week Four — Innovating with Conflict: Having Hard Conversations to Drive Performance
Some conversations are easier to have than others. In part four of our series, Mark and John break down ways to be intentional and collaborative with your potentially conflicting communication to help ensure difficult conversations remain constructive.
The Workforce Institute Weigh-In: The Ways AI Can Work for Work
Our advisory board weighs-in on using AI at work: “With AI increasingly built into workplace solutions and the rise of large language models such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, what are the best/possible use cases for GenAI to help people at work?”
The People Purpose Podcast: Celebrating YOU, HR: Finding Daily Fulfilment to Thrive
Although HR can feel like a thankless profession, HR practitioners deserve praise. In honor of HR Professionals Day, Chas and Julie are thanking HR members everywhere and celebrating the profession.
Transforming the Team: Week Five — Recognizing Dysfunction Before It Grows
To conclude our five-part series, Mark and John discuss ways to recognize when there’s dysfunction among your team — before it grows into a more serious issue.
Industry Insights: Manufacturers Must Focus on Manufacturing the Future Workforce
Ahead of Manufacturing (MFG) Day on October 6, Kylene Zenk explores how manufacturers can get future generations of the workforce excited about careers in manufacturing.
Monthly Recap: September 2023 at the UKG Workforce Institute