Cooperative purchasing has become one of the more popular innovations in public procurement. If you aren’t familiar, a Lead Public Sector Agency completes the entire request for proposal process for a certain class of goods or services and makes a final award or awards to the most qualified vendors. This award (and the pre-negotiated contract) is now available for all eligible public agencies via adoptable contracts. In most circumstances, adoptable contracts fully meet the needs of your competitive solicitation laws and policies, saves you time and labor, and often results in a lower price than if you had completed the solicitation yourself.
Big news! The State of Louisiana has just issued a State Contract to Kronos SaaSHR, a UKG Company, allowing public agencies, including public school districts, to easily procure our solution.
What does this mean?
The State of Louisiana has partnered with UKG to execute on a contract that meets all the necessary terms and conditions that fulfill state and local regulations and policies with no additional contract negotiations necessary. As a public agency in Louisiana, you can use this contract package to procure your workforce management (WFM) and human capital management (HCM) products and services without the need for a duplicative solicitation process where our solutions are available at the lowest available pricing..
State Purchasing Information is available at and all contract information (contract number 4400023280) is available in Louisiana’s Electronic Catalog (LA eCAT) here or contact Brian “Coop” Coopman at [email protected] for additional information or questions.