Better Together

UKG Pro Recruiting and UKG Pro Onboarding make a perfect match


Attracting and retaining top talent is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today. To be competitive, you must shift your approach, treating candidates and employees more like customers and paying closer attention to the complete experience.

Watch our on-demand webinars to learn how UKG Pro® Recruiting and Onboarding work together to create a seamless candidate and new hire experience.

UKG Pro Recruiting

UKG Pro Recruiting helps you engage candidates with person-centric technology so you can start building successful relationships from before day one. Our solution creates positive applicant experiences, builds pipeline talent, and reduces time-to and cost-per hire — all while giving you valuable insights every step of the way.

UKG Pro Onboarding

UKG Pro Onboarding lets you connect your new hires to your company in a way that is both personal and impactful, making them feel like they want to stay. Our solution provides unique, collaborative technology to help you build successful relationships, foster employee engagement, and improve business performance before the first day.

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